11/24/24 Center Fire Pistol
Great day at the club – Post to be up shortly!
The Ginger Bass Memorial Shoot at Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club

The Ginger Bass Memorial Shoot at Lemon Grove October 12th. Sign up at 8:00 AM. The shoot is called a Dodge City event which consists of 25 targets from the 16 yard line and 25 targets from your handicap determined by the 16 yard event. A random pick of names will pair you with another shooter and the two of you will shoot 2 rounds of a buddy shoot from the 27 yard line. The total of all 4 of your shoots will determine your final score. The net proceeds are donated to a local battered women’s shelter. A fun event!
More information: https://lgrgc.com/ginger-bass-shoot
Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club
Ginger Bass Memorial Shoot
08:00 – 13:00
16232 Sequan Truck Trail, Alpine, CA 91901
Lakeside Sportsmans Club BIG BORE RIFLE SHOOT (TROPHY) 21JUL24

LAKESIDE SPORTSMANS CLUB Memorial Day Weekend Campout

Weekend Camp Events! Every third weekend of the month

Open to all club members and prospective members that attend with their sponsor.
Start planning to come out and bring a prospective member or two, or three, or four…